Friday 4 April 2014

P90X3 Yoga X Review

I'm a bit behind on doing my recap reviews of all the P90X3 workouts but I'm back at it with a post today about X3 Yoga.

I have to honestly say that I have never been a yoga fan. It moved too slow. I always felt bored. My balance was always sucky to begin with. I was much happier lifting dumbbells and squatting.

However I must say that I have become a believer in the importance of adding yoga to your regular routine thanks to this particular workout being a part of the schedule. If it weren't part of the schedule and if I weren't trying to be faithful to the schedule I probably would never have done it.

So far I have really noticed a huge benefit to my balance. I'm normally a klutz, trip a lot, and a little on the unsteady side. I can honestly say that the once a week yoga has helped with that.

We are doing the Mass Schedule of P90X3 and doing the yoga has also helped out TONS with nicely stretching out.

As a naysayer of yoga I also used to think that you really couldn't get a good workout from just yoga. I was wrong. I have changed my tune. My legs are usually just as sore after this as they are from a straight leg workout. Having to hold those tree and chair poses makes you really have to flex those hamstrings and glutes!

Then there are the mental benefits. At first I was still really distracted while doing it but the more I did it the more I would let my mind go. I began to to focus more. Instead of thinking to myself when is this going to be over I consciously let go and zoned out.

There are a variety of moves in this workout. Downward dogs, chair pose, tree pose, warriors, triangle, and more. My favourites have to be the bound side angle pose, downward dog, and tree pose. I love the stretch and strength I feel from doing these. Feels great to lengthen out after those more focused upper and lower workouts. The hardest still for me are the half moons but I'm getting there.

I know I have progressed for sure. I can go deeper into chair. I can balance no problem in tree (even holding a toddler). When I started I had to go pick up a block to use because I just couldn't reach all the way but it wasn't long until that block became unnecessary.

So a moral to my experience with X3 Yoga is GET OUT OF THAT COMFORT ZONE! You never know how you can rock your life in different ways unless you try.

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