Thursday, 10 April 2014

P90X3 Review The Challenge

So there is this one workout above them all that really REALLY pushes me. Calling it The Challenge wasn't just a pun. It is 30 minutes of pushups and pull ups (or in my case barbell work-I'll explain later). 

The Challenge is all about pushing and pulling. You pick your numbers of how many of each you are going to do in the set and you do them. You get a wee little break and then another set. When I first did this workout I started doing 3 push ups and 5 overhead presses. I was SUPER excited that nearing the end of the program and the last time I ever had to do this particular workout that I had increased my numbers to 8 pushups and 12 overhead presses. There must be about five or six sets of each, I always lose count.

Now our house is not really set up well for a pull up bar. We do all our workouts in the living room where the TV is and installing two bars (one for Rock and one for me) is just not an option. Sooooo I could have scrapped that whole particular disc, swapped for something else, skipped all together. But no. Instead I chose to be adaptable and we pulled out my Les Mills Pump gear. When they were doing pull ups in the workout I was doing a variety of overhead presses, deadlifts, rows, and bicep curls. All depending on the type of pull up being done.

I really never knew before that there were so many different types of push ups and pull ups. Standard pull ups, V pull ups, vaulter pull ups, chin ups. Then under pushups there are fly push ups, standard push ups, staggered, and military pushups. Those military push ups were something special too because you had to raise one of your legs. There was NO hope in those first few weeks but somewhere between days 60 and the end all of a sudden BOOM I could do it!

I have to say that this is one of the workouts where I can really see what X3 has done for me. After two years of doing Jillian Michaels I was still doing push ups from my knees. Only a few weeks into X3 and I was doing them in that full position. And not only that but I was doing those one legged suckers too!

This is really a workout that tests not only your body but your mind. Push ups and pull ups have to be two of THE most disliked body weight exercises. They must be right up there with burpees. If you can get past that scared voice in your mind and just do it you will surprise yourself.

If you do P90X3 and have struggled with strength before you will find yourself Rocking out The Challenge too!

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