Monday, 21 April 2014

P90X3 Final Results and Transformation

The day finally came. The day that we were able to take our final P90X3 pictures and claim that we are official P90X3 graduates. 

I must say it was a very enlightening and incredible journey. There is just so much that I could say about this program. First and foremost though Tony Horton is an AMAZING trainer. Some people may knock an at home workout program but clearly they've never done a program like this.

There were different schedules to choose from so depending on what you want out of it there is a detailed plan on how to achieve it.

We decided to do the Mass Schedule which as the name suggests focused on developing muscle mass. There was minimal cardio (which I liked, lol). Since the focus this time wasn't necessarily on weight loss I didn't lose any weight by the scale, I actually gained 8 lbs, HOWEVER as you can see by my pix I definitely lost body fat percentage. My husband lost 10 lbs AND built muscle.

Since they say a picture can tell a thousand words I will post a couple collages and a video and leave it at that.

I will still be detailing what each workout contained in the future. If you or someone you know is looking to lose weight or increase their fitness level tell them about P90X3 and tell them that they can get an experienced X3'er to be their personal coach through the process.

I look forward to helping others ROCK OUT their P90X3 journey.

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