Thursday, 10 April 2014

Just Drink Shakeology

There are so many reasons why I think everyone should drink Shakeology. It is so good you, tastes great, gives you an excellent breakdown of macronutrients. Plus it is so DAMN EASY! 

I really don't know why people make their health so difficult. They latch onto every little fad or trick they think is going to help them lose weight. They just don't want to put in the effort necessary. After having lost 100 lbs though I know that there are only a few ways to actually do it right.

 Exercise and eat healthy 

Eating healthy actually has to do with 80% of your results. BUT a huge problem is that few people do the eating healthy part right. Here is a suggestion. Just Drink Shakeology.

Why force yourself to choke down nasty green juices. Just Drink Shakeology

Why spend money on different supplements and proteins and green mixes. Just Drink Shakeology

Why wait in a drive through in the morning and spend $7 on junk. Just Drink Shakeology

Why leave your health and weight loss all up to chance. Just Drink Shakeology.

Why eat junk food and fall off the wagon to your cravings. Just Drink Shakeology

It just makes sense to me. I drink Shakeology every day. Sometimes twice a day. I truly love it. Who doesn't want to have a milkshake or two every day?

Shakeology has helped me with digestion and with regularity (I used to have some issues with IBS). I am a homeschooling mum of three that works out 30-60 minutes each day and Shakeology gives me energy to do what I need to do. Speaking of working out, I used to do smoothies after my workouts and when I started using Shakeology I felt MILES better, my performance improved and my recovery after a workout was much much quicker.

This isn't just a sales pitch. This is me talking from experience. I'd be drinking Shakeology even if I didn't have a coach discount (I initially became a coach FOR the discount). Then I realized how awesome it was and want to tell everyone about it.

I went through an incredible weight loss...


I didn't go through the whole process and not learn a thing or two. And one thing I know is that Shakeology has made such a difference in maintaining my weight loss. 

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