Tuesday is normally leg day so I covered that with Barre Legs. It is actually one of favourite leg days of all and my fav workout from the 21 Day Fix. Funny since it's not even part of the original package but part of the upgrade. Trust me, it's worth it!!! If you already have 21DF, get Barre Legs. But after killing my quads with Beast Legs I decided to make it a little more Beasty. Of course that meant adding weights. I used ankle weights for the variety of leg lifts, a 15 lb dumbbell for the sumo squats, and then 10s for the squats and lunges. Autumn really gets you with the pattern of singles, pulses, and holding.
Let's talk about this little workout buddy for a moment. My girl has been working out with me since day one really, started laying on the floor by me to crawling around me, to climbing on me, to doing it with me. Kids really do learn by doing and I like to think she is learning the right things from me. At least in this area, hahaha.

I didn't do just legs though :) I did some of my favourite. Arms. Doing arms make me feel like a warrior. RAWR.
Today's Breakdown
Workout: 21 Day Fix Barre Legs AND Body Beast Bulk Arms
Post Workout Recovery: I didn't have any today. I was eating spaghetti leftovers out of the pot right before pushing play. OOPS :P
Food: Not Bad. Not great but not horrid. But look at my yummy oatmeal. Ain't it a thing of beauty.

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