Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Journey to the Stage: April 14/15

Today was legs. And I said yesterday I would take legs over chest. But yeah, it's legs. To be honest I don't actually mind squats, even sumo squats, or deadlifts, but make me lunge and I may just wanna cut someone.

Today's workout was a great combination of totally phoning it in and being a badass. Lunges I phoned it in. Squats I used 30s. Bulgarian squats I phoned it in (which is actually a lunge, masquerading as a squat). Stiff leg single leg deadlift I went up to 25s. Plus I used 20s for the calf raises. So all in all I give myself a gold star. BECAUSE IT'S LEGS AND I SHOWED UP!!

There I am ready to tackle it with more bravado than a 16 year old boy.

And then this is how I look halfway into the first set.

And since I have a nice little system going on I'll keep on doing it….

Workout: Body Beast Build Legs

Post Workout Fuel: Results and Recovery, water, banana. I need to stock up on Vanilla ShakeO, frozen berries, and spinach.

Food: Better than yesterday!!! Bonus. I know my macros are still WAY off. But I did have cottage cheese mixed with greek yogurt today and that was all kinds of a yummy protein punch. An observation I have made though is that I REALLY need to scale back the coffee. It's becoming a problem.

Not much else to say about today. When I get a grocery stock up done later this week I'll squeeze in some meal prep posts. What I'm doing. What I suck at. What I fancy myself fabulous at.

Rock. Lift. Love. 

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