Saturday, 3 May 2014

My Personal Development Library

Yesterday I wrote a post on the importance of Personal Development. You can read that post HERE

It really is the root of so much. How you feel, how you approach things, the ideas you have in your mind are like clay and can be moulded into a positive outlook through personal development. 

In today's post I just want to share with you some of my favourite books (some I have fully read, some I have skimmed or jumped around in, others I plan to read again, and some I have yet to get started in).

This is just  a brief showing and in the coming days/weeks I am going to expand more on what these different styles of personal development can provide as well as going further into some of my favourite authors, series, etc. I do actually have a few others not even shown here (such as my extensive Robert Kiyosaki collection).

As you can see I have quite a variety. There are many ways that you can develop yourself as a person. It is important that we are always growing. I don't like settling for what is. I am always on the search for bettering myself.

Here I have spiritual books, business books, money books, general happy books. One of my favourite series is The Secret (I have The Secret, The Magic, Hero, and The Power). Then there are parenting books and even a sub category of parenting/business books, since work at home/mompreneurs are becoming a force of their own.

This is also just what I have in hard copy and doesn't even get into what is on my Kobo. When I purchased my Kobo I did so strictly as a business tool, for using it for personal development to make myself a better leader, mother, Christian, so that I can be the best to help others.

Now I'm not knocking fiction, everyone needs something to dull their mind every so often, I'll admit I've read some pretty out there fiction. But overall I would much rather spend my time reading something that is going to improve my life as opposed to something designed to help me escape from life. I want a life I don't want to escape from.

Two amazing books that I highly suggest getting started with are The Compound Effect and The Secret. Start reading those NOW and you will see amazing improvement and develop the belief that YOU TO can ROCK your life!

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