Monday, 10 February 2014

My Les Mills Pump Shirt Came Today

Did you know that when you do a Beachbody program and submit your before and after pix and your transformation story you get a FREE shirt? True Story!

I actually finished Les Mills Pump back back in the fall but completely forgot the part about submitting my pix and story until just a few weeks ago. I was really surprised to see it in the mail today, it shipped REALLY fast, I totally thought it would take longer.

I ordered the exact right size (M) and the cotton is super soft. I love it. I especially love the tag line on the back :


That is how I feel as a result of my weight loss journey and my entrance into Beachbody coaching. I feel amazing. I feel strong. I feel UNSTOPPABLE. This experience has given me a new lease on life. It has given me...


I feel renewed. I feel strong and healthy inside and out. I have a purpose. As a stay at home mum things can sometimes feel a little, well, isolating, and it is really easy to lose yourself in the process of always focusing on your kids. And frankly being a one income family can be kind of hard too. Beachbody coaching has given me an incredible opportunity to feel better about myself, help others, build a successful business, and add more to the family wallet. 

I'm just so thankful that my coach was very encouraging and she was patiently persistent while I hemmed and hawed over making the choice to become a coach. Without her I wouldn't wearing this awesome shirt, I wouldn't have made further headway towards my goals, I wouldn't be adding income to our family. 

Anyone who feels stuck where they are, tired of the same routine, tired of being sick and tired DOES have the power to change all that. YOU have the power to Rock Your Life. Maybe Beachbody is the opportunity you need to start. 

Whether you want to be a challenger or a coach I can help you reach your goals too. I want to help you Rock Your Life, become part of the Movement of others getting healthier, happier, and living better. 

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