Next up in my individual P90X3 workout review is Dynamix. On Sundays (or day seven depending on what day you started) there is the option between taking a full rest day or doing the Dynamix workout. I highly recommend NOT skipping this one.
Dynamix is a really interesting style of workout and a very new component to the P90X family of workouts. A combination of traditional moves and stretching it really is a great option to have. Like Tony Horton says, pull it out at any time.
Under the category of more traditional moves are things like leg lifts, adductor lifts, knee pulls, and glide lunges. But then when you throw in moves like lunge push ups, side banana, and the farthing stretch it becomes a whole new ball game. It is one of those workouts where when you look at each individual move you think "oh that isn't too bad" and then in the middle of that side forearm plank you are about ready to take a serious break. Who thought just stretching could work up such a sweat??
This is a really really important workout to do though. When you are doing all those other intense moves that the other X3 workouts have to offer it is vital that you stretch out the body properly. I like how the stretches involved aren't just static stretches, but also dynamic stretches, stretches with motion (hence the name right?).
Compared to some of the other workouts the 30 minutes of Dynamix also seem to go by pretty fast. I did the disc last night about half an hour after doing the Cardio Axe from Brazil Butt Lift so it was really like a double left day for me. To say my gluteus are sore this morning is a major understatement.
The cast in this workout is also great. I can't recall names but two are X3 afters and one of them is an actual Olympic athlete that assisted in creating this particular workout. When you are doing this workout you are doing a legit athletic program of a high caliber.
All in all this is an excellent component to workout schedule. I'm kind of kicking myself that I did actually skip it and opted for rest the first few weeks of X3. Not anymore!
I encourage everyone to Rock this disc and not just take the easy way out and take the option of a rest day.
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