Saturday, 22 August 2015

My Five Best Weight Loss Tips

When I tell people I lost 100 lbs I usually get asked "how did you do it????". Besides putting in the work every day there are a few things I found myself repeating over and over and I thought it would be great to write a quick post that I can refer people to, and that can be shared. 

My Five Best Weight Loss Tips 

1. Tracking. You HAVE to track in some kind of way. Whenever I am finding the numbers on the scale going back up I can pretty much directly relate it to tracking. It's the accountability. I don't care how you do it, count points, count macros, use My Fitness Pal, whatevs. Just do it!! Right now I am really enjoying using the 21 Day Fix containers. I have done other methods, and they've all had their time in my life, but right now, the containers are working best for me. 

2. Never Skip Breakfast. Before I wised up I would pretty much exist on coffee at my desk until noon at which time I'd grab something from the cafeteria. Bad all around Now I am a breakfast lover.  Eggs are usually the main star. It's easy to pre prep lots of stuff to get a really good breakfast. On days I have to be out of the house EXTRA quick I will grab a quick Shakeology and be on my way. Way better than anything I could grab on the way. 

3. Drink lots of water. If you aren't drinking water then what ARE you drinking? What calories are you taking in without realizing it? I'm also looking at you "diet" drinks. I used to be a Coke Zero addict (like 6 a day!!!!) and just because there are no calories does not mean it's all hunky dory. As a general rule you should be drinking 0.5 - 1 oz of water per lb. I've trained myself to go nowhere without a bottle of water. With so many great bottle options and ideas for flavoured waters it's easy to stay on top of it.  

4. Eat smart. This could really have a post, several in fact, all to itself. But how we eat, where we eat, when we eat. These are ALL things you are going to have to tackle. Avoid waiting too long between meals so that you don't get cranky. Don't eat distracted, in the car, with the TV on. SLOW DOWN. Sit at the table. Savour your food. Chew slower. Start the day right with breakfast, pack your food for the day. Have a meal plan for the week and take into account what you have going on those days but be flexible. Weight loss happens in the kitchen my friends.

5. Exercise. I don't exercise for all the calories it burns. Physically weight loss is 80% food anyways. I exercise for how it makes me feel. And how I feel makes me want to do better, eat better, act better. It's a self esteem cycle thing. I used to see exercise as a punishment for eating. That was a really bad way to see it. Now I view it as a way to reward my body. It doesn't take hours either. I have never once been to a gym!!! All in my own living room baby! 

BONUS: Stop seeking everything for the purpose of "weight loss". Start doing these things for your health and wellbeing. When I weighed over 250 lbs I felt like CRAP! I was out of breath. My body hurt. I had low energy. When I quit looking for quick fix or easy ways out and focused on feeling better the weight loss was a natural part of the process. 

Rock. Lift. Love.

Friday, 21 August 2015

5 Habits Shakeology Helps Me Break

You, me, your neighbour, your cousin's dog...when trying to lose weight almost everyone is making these mistakes. Not only once or twice but habitually. Over time those mistakes turned habit can REALLY add up. However many of those habits CAN be changed. And even better I'm going to tell you HOW!

First, lets take a look at these pesky habits that are getting in the way of us and our skinny jeans.

1. Skipping Breakfast. This is number one. Has to be. Morning's suck ESPECIALLY when you have kids. I am notorious for existing on coffee all morning then overloading later in the day. Science on this is also clear. Breakfast is freaking important. Yet, the crunch time is on. I've had to do the kid's out the door scramble (uuuuggghhh). This is where a Shakeology can help set your day. You're getting a meal, your getting solid nutrition into your body, takes minimal time to prepare. Win wins all around.

2. Skipping the produce aisle. Looks at us just hop, skipping, and jumping over the things we need the most. Putting ourselves last. Again. Make a mental note, eat more fruit and veg. BUT in the meantime Shakeology can really help with that, it's filling in those gaps that are left by not getting enough green. An added bonus is that because you're getting better nutrition you'll start to have more energy.

3. Too much sugar. Carb cravings man. Aren't they the worst? And it's no wonder we get them, we are skipping breakfast after all. And if you're like me, with a kid still crashing in your bed, you're probably sleeping like crap too. Sprinkle in some stress. It's a powder keg for cravings. This is one of my fav benefits of senses think I am getting this really tasty treat while my body is getting a dose of far superior nutrition than the day old donut in the staff room I was eyeing. Don't judge me. You know you have too ;)

4. Hitting the drive through. Okay. I know this is a tough one. Been there done that a dozen too many times. It comes down again to being ridiculously busy. It's just easier and time saving to hit a drive through...or is it??? A really good quality nutrition shake can run you about $4-$5 per serving which is cheaper than the drive through not to mention how many fewer calories.

5. Not taking a multivitamin. If you are eating at a calorie deficit you have gaps in your diet. If you eat the standard american've got canyons that need filling. If you eat super healthy, sorry, you still have gaps. Food has lost it's nutritional potency. Everyone should be taking a multi of some kind. Here is where a really good nutrition shake can come in handy. It's a lot easier to remember to drink a shake than take a pill. Even better if the shake is whole food derived, for maximum value.

These are things that I struggle and they are all reasons why I personally use a nutrition shake. And after a lot of research of what I wanted to give to my body I settled on Shakeology. Best ingredients, purity, whole food, NO CRAP (most important ingredient). Pretty much every day I drink my ShakeO and when I don't, well, all those nasty habits start to surface. Skipping means not starting my day right, I go on a chocolate frenzy, not to mention I feel blah and crabby. When you're fuelled well you have pep, you have clearer thinking, and make better choices. Two years ago I chose to give Shakeology a try and it's still one of the best choices I have made.

For the most part I have mended my ways with the help of Shakeology and home workouts. I've lost 100 lbs!! But of course I slip now and again. If you're struggling with these habits I'd love to help you break them. Then make new positive changes and habits so you feel awesome. You can even have me as your FREE Teambeachbody Coach HERE.

Rock. Lift. Love.