I am often asked from people looking to achieve weight loss success what I eat. I often say I eat whole foods, clean foods, single ingredient foods. But that leaves many wondering what does that really mean when you go into the grocery store. So, I decided to make a quick list of my personal top ten favourite foods for weight loss. These are foods that are regulars in my grocery basket.
Top Ten Weight Loss Foods From Weight Loss Success Story
High in fibre and supposedly better at waking you up than coffee apples are something that go fast in our house. Transportable, sweet, and crunchy it doesn't matter what kind you get, they are going to be good for you. So whether you like gala, spartan, or granny smith, be sure to stock up on apples.
Dried Fruit
With a wide array of vitamins and minerals dried fruit is a quick and easy treat, especially if you are needing to replace a candy craving. Dried cranberries and dried cherries are sweet and tangy while dates can give you a pseudo chocolate feel.
Citrus Fruits
Packed with Vitamin C citrus fruits are super refreshing!! Grapefruit at breakfast, lemon in your water, oranges as a snack. It's all good!! Lemons in particular are known to help detoxify the liver.

If you follow me on any of my social media you may know already that I am nutty for coconut! Coconut milk, oil, butter, shredded, flour, water…all of it!! It's the medium chain triglycerides that are the magic of the coconut which help the liver and coconut oil specifically is great for thyroid function.
Somewhere along the line bananas got a bad rap, something to do with the high sugar content, blah, blah, blah. But in reality bananas are VERY good for you. Their combination of potassium and fibre makes for a power packed perfect snack.
Broccoli is hands down one of my fav veggies. Steamed then tossed with some coconut oil. YUM YUM! This understated veggie is full of vitamins, minerals, and even calcium and protein.
Nine times out of ten when making my daily Shakeology I will throw a handful of spinach in it. That 10th time is usually because I'm fresh out! You'll find calcium, iron, vitamins and minerals in spinach. It helps build muscles and stabilize blood pressure.
Oatmeal is a breakfast staple in our house, and not those single serving processed packages. I make large flake or stone cut from scratch. A perfect whole food. With lots of fibre and and protein it's a perfect way to start the day, just dress it up with some dried fruit, nuts, seeds, and some cinnamon and you are ready to tackle your day!!
If I'm not having oatmeal for breaky I'm having eggs. Such a powerful combo of protein, all 9 amino acids, and an array of vitamins. Studies also show that women that eat eggs for breakfast versus other traditional breakfast items (like bagels or cold cereal) lose more weight and feel fuller longer.
While high in fat nuts and seeds are great to toss into and on things to just give a little nutritional punch. In oatmeal, over yogurt, into your salad, they not only give a little crunch but also provide you with omegas, vitamins, some protein, and even fibre. Just be sure to get the unsalted and unsugared kinds to avoid extra unnecessary calories.
I hope you find this list helpful and add some, or even better all of them, to your grocery list. And it you'll also notice none of these are fancy or expensive. Eating healthy doesn't have to break the bank!! Keep it simple and basic.